NORWAY: Broadchurch Begins On NRK TV Next Week

Viewers in Norway can watch Broadchurch on NRK1 starting from Tuesday 7th January. The 8-part series starring David Tennant and Olivia Colman follows the effects of the murder of a young boy on a small close-knit town on the English coast.

Liket av en 11 år gammel gutt dukker opp på den vakre stranden i Broadchurch. Etter den dagen blir hele tilværelsen snudd på hodet i den lille byen i Sør-England. Først og fremst jobber politiet med å løse saken. Det store mediepresset og jakten på morderen skal komme til å prege forholdet mellom menneskene som bor der. Alec Hardy og Ellie Miller blir bedt om å lede etterforskningen.

Medvirkende:David Tennant, Olivia Colman, Andrew Buchan

The body of an 11 year old boy is found on the beautiful beach at Broadchurch. After that day, the lives of the whole community are turned upside down in the small southern English town. The priority of the police is to solve the case. The huge media pressure and the pursuit of the killer will come to characterize the relationships between the people who live there. Alec Hardy and Ellie Miller are asked to lead the investigation.

Starring: David Tennant, Olivia Colman, Andrew Buchan

The series begins on NRK1 on Tuesday 7th January at 22.10. Part 2 airs on Wednesday 8th at the same time. The series continues on Tuesday and Wednesday nights for a further three weeks. 
