Postman Pat The Movie Comes To Sky Box Office Tomorrow At 6am

David Tennant's fun family adventure Postman Pat The Movie is to makes it's debut on Sky Box Office on Monday 29th September at 6am, it will be broadcast the same day in HD on Sky Box Office HD at 8am.

The film finds Pat, everyone’s favourite postman, coming face-to-face with the temptations of money, status and a shiny new suit when he enters a national TV talent show competition that threatens to tear him away from his hometown of Greendale and his family and friends.
What happens when kindness meets selfishness? When local fame meets Global notoriety? Will a nice cup of tea be kicked aside by a Frappacapacino?
Pat is set to find out as he falls for the age-old temptation of the grass being greener…

The movie features the voices of Stephen Mangan as Pat, David Tennant as Wilf, Rupert Grint as Josh and Ronan Keating as Pat's singing voice.

You can see full listings for the film at LocateTV here.

Watch a clip below:

Source: LocateTV
